Webinaari: syömishäriöiden varhaisen puuttumisen hoitointerventio FREED

Hei jäsenet! On Suomen ja SSY:n vuoro järjestää pohjoismaisen NEDS-yhteisön webinaari, ja suureksi iloksemme huippuasiantuntijat Ulrike Schmidt ja Danielle Glennon tulevat kertomaan brittiläisestä FREED-hoitomallista. FREED on syömishäiriöiden varhaisen puuttumisen hoitointerventio. Webinaari järjestetään ma 29.4 .2024klo 16-18, Zoomissa. Webinaarin kieli on englanti. Lisätietoa webinaarin sisällöstä, sekä Zoom-linkki josta pääsee mukaan, alla.

Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

The Finnish eating disorder society invites our Nordic colleagues to a webinar on “First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED)”.

When and where: Monday April 29th, 15.00 – 17.00 Swedish time, 16.00 – 18.00 Finnish time, on Zoom (2pm-4pm GMT)

The speakers: Professor Ulrike Schmidt (King’s College, London) and Danielle Glennon (Clinical director, Head of FREED National, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust)

There is a clear rationale and growing research evidence supporting the need for and effectiveness of early intervention for eating disorders. There is also enthusiastic support from people with lived experience, clinicians, researchers and policy-makers alike for the idea. Furthermore, a useful blueprint for early intervention research, policy and practice has been provided by the psychosis field. During the last 10 years, the speakers have developed FREED (first episode, rapid early intervention for eating disorders; FREED), a service model and care pathway providing developmentally tailored and personalised care. They have tested and nationally rolled out this model in the UK. Based on their experience, here they describe the rationale, evidence base, facilitators, and barriers to early intervention for eating disorders and will present ideas for what needs to happen to move the field further forward.   

Join the webinar here:

Information about FREED: https://freedfromed.co.uk/

Välkommen, velkommen, velkommin, tervetuloa!